“Former Juror is Made to Feel Like a Pervert. Former Juror is in Denial About not Being a Pervert.”

Tonight I went to Adult Hipster #1’s housewarming party with Dano.

It was weird, to say the least.

Dano, under the guise of family man and burgeoning indie director, was immediately embraced by his old high school gang. Even though it wasn’t based in reality, it was still nice to see a group of people being so approving and proud of someone whom they hadn’t seen in nearly a decade. They were very welcoming of me, as well. I felt as if I had been let in into an exclusive “adult club.”

After a while of playing the dutiful social wife, I slipped away from the Adult Hipsters Gang and Dano to wander about the party. Mostly everyone was a few years older than me—late twenties, early thirties—but they all seemed to have a role to fulfill. There were people starting families, people invested in their careers, activists championing a cause, artists attempting to remain true to their “crafts,” people oblivious to the fact that they’re blowhards, etc. Everyone had “a thing” and I was just wallowing in nothing, floating from one corner of the room to next trying to figure how everyone else “adulted.”

My wandering led me to the kitchen where the booze was headquartered (as per usual). As I stooped down to pick up an ice cold beer bottle from the cooler, my head bumped into somebody else’s chin. Amidst my own pain, I immediately apologized.

“Sorry,” I said as I clasped the top of my head and finally looked up. My eyes met someone familiar, though I couldn’t recall who.

Familiar Stranger: “I know you from somewhere”

Me: “No, you must be confusing me for someone else.”

I was just now remembering that I had a role to play and if anyone recognized me from my real life, it could end in disaster.

Familiar Stranger: “No, I’m positive, I’ve seen you before”

Me: “Well, I promise you—I don’t come here often”

Familiar Stranger: “Now, I remember you. You’re the juror with the smart mouth”

Oh yes, this was the young lawyer I had been ogling for two weeks a few months ago during jury duty.

Me: “I’m more than just than a smart mouth, you know. If someone could just see me for my looks for once, I would be so happy!”

Pretty Young Lawyer: “There she is!” He smirks, and then continues, “I have to admit, I really enjoyed looking over your notebook. You know, the one you used to take notes during testimonies?”

Me: “I thought you weren’t supposed to see those!”

PYL: “Well, sometimes the judges will let us take them back to the office after the case has been deliberated. They can help to show us how we can improve. What we did wrong, what we did right… that kind of thing.”

Me: “How do you know which one was my notebook?”

PYL: “You can usually tell when someone’s doodling. It’s the only time they ever really seem invested in taking notes. Well, that and you were very obvious. Everyone could tell you were shading in things.”

Me: “Did you see ALL of the notes?”  Worry briefly overcame me.

PYL: “I normally don’t. It gets boring after a while”

Me: “Oh good!” Relief briefly washed over me.

PYL: “But yours were interesting. Very entertaining.”

Oh, shit!

Me: “Oh, no!”

PYL: “Oh, yes!”

There’s that smirk again.

PYL: “You’re a very talented artist. Very funny, too. I particularly enjoyed your doodle of my ass mouthing the words ‘This is my mouth piece!’”

Pretty sure I’m blushing now.

Me: “Oh, you don’t know that for certain. That could’ve been anyone’s ass!”

PYL: “Well everyone else with a law degree in that court room was twice my age, so I’m pretty sure that was my tight ass you drew in that notebook”

Me: “Well you think very highly of your ass don’t you?”

PYL: “Not necessarily. That was definitely my neck tie you drew around that ass doodle. Tell me, are my pants really that tight?”

Me: “You could stand to wear a bigger pant size”

Awkward silence ensues. Hurray.

PYL: “Sorry, have I made you uncomfortable?”

Me: “My guess is… not as uncomfortable as I’ve made you?”

PYL: “…Yeah.”

Me: “My sincerest apologies for objectifying you. Would you believe me if I said I did it for The Sisterhood? To kind of balance things out?”

He’s not buying it.

Me: “No? Ok, I did it because I was bored out of my mind and I’m near-sighted so yours was the only ass I could make out.”

PYL: “Oh, no apology needed! The blame is on me. I keep forgetting to screen for perverts during the selection process. My partner keeps reminding me but, apparently I have no radar for your type.”

Me: “You know what? It was your bad because I wore a long beige trench coat that first day and I never took it off even though the courtroom was very stuffy. That should’ve been your first red flag and that’s on you.”

He laughs. No one ever laughs at my stupid jokes anymore. Am I blushing again?  

PYL: “So what are you doing here? Do you know Kevin and Myra?”

Oooooh, Kevin!  Adult Hipster #1’s name is Kevin but I keep thinking it’s something stupid like Pabst Blue Ribbon or Abacus.

Me: “No. Kind of. We have a friend in common. You?”

PYL: “Kevin’s our tech guy at the law firm.”

Me: “Oh, the law firm where yours is the only tight ass in existence?”

PYL: “Yeah, that one! Actually, my partner Richard has the best ass in the business. I was almost offended on his behalf when you didn’t draw his instead”

Me: “Oh, Richard has his own notebook! I just didn’t turn it in because I was too ashamed”

PYL: “Oh, well that’s good to hear! It’s not every day you meet a pervert with shame.”

Me: “Yes, well, my parents raised a very nuanced pervert. So where’s my notebook now?”

PYL: “I think it’s in my office somewhere”

Me: “You kept it for that long?”

PYL: “Yeah, I was hoping to replace my work ID picture with your illustration but I guess I haven’t gotten around to it yet.”

PYL definitely had a better sense of humor than I would expect anyone that handsome to have. I wanted to keep talking to him—maybe to see if I could get that incriminating notebook back—but when I went to use the restroom, I saw Dano wandering around. I thought he might be looking for me so I returned to the kitchen and told PYL I had to go and then said goodbye.

Dano was ready to leave. Exhausted from lying, he told his old friends that it was time for us to relieve the babysitter.

The Dano that left that party was different from the Dano I had been hanging out with throughout the weeks leading up to tonight. He seemed more relaxed, more contented. New Dano hummed on the drive back. New Dano bought a happy meal just so that he could give me the toy to give to Baby Sam. New Dano talked about the possibility of going to film school as soon as he found a stable job. New Dano was hope incarnate and it made me feel as if what I had done—maybe—wasn’t so crazy after all.

When I got home, I started rummaging through my purse for lip balm when I noticed a white business card. On the front, it had printed “Attorney At Law” and on the back it had scrawled, “Should you seek reparations for the concussion I’ve probably caused you… or if you just want to get a second look at Richard’s ass.”

“Adept Liar Worries She Suffers From Multiple Personality Disorder. Wonders If it’s Possible to Suffer From Multiple Personality Disorder If One is Aware of Each Personality.”


You know when you run to the bar during Last Call to order one last drink but as you wait for the drink to be poured you realize maybe you’ve already had one too many but you’ve already paid for the drink so you drink it anyway even though you know it might blow up in your face later? No? Was that example too specific to me to the point where it’s not relatable? Well, congratulations! You’ve made better life choices than I have! Whoopty-fucking-doo.

I’m just kidding, Baby. Come back! I’m not angry at you. I’m angry at myself.

Well, my whole life has been a nonstop roll of questionable decisions and most recently, I have lied my way into a second life– one where I have my own fucking family at the tender age of 22. In this second life, I have gotten married, given birth, started my own business and I have my own place. Figures. Only in a fictional version of my life would I have my shit together.

Since I found Dano busking in the street, I’ve visited him with Baby Sam a few times. Our presence fools people into thinking the three of us are a little family and, in turn, Dano gets A LOT more tips than he usually does when he’s just busking by himself. He hasn’t been able to find a job since the video store went out of business so this, along with providing transportation for strangers through an app, is his only source of income.

In return, I get to feel like a good person—and the free sandwiches and movie posters don’t hurt either. A few days ago, Dano finally made good on a The Godfather poster he promised me and we were walking back from his car to mine with Baby Sam in tow when we ran into Dano’s old high school classmates.

And that’s when our little charade went from implied to stated.

Dano’s old high school classmates, now bonafide adult hipsters, went on about all the successes they’ve had since they last saw each other at their graduation party and when it was Dano’s turn to recount what he’d been up to in the last 9 years, he had nothing.

Upon witnessing Dano’s loss for words, Adult Hipster #1 asked him if I was his wife and if that was our baby. Dano looked over to me, as helpless as a kitten up a tree, and that’s when my not-unlike- Mother-Teresa heart started to pound as I pulled the trigger and introduced myself as his wife and the mother of his child.

I slept through most of Sybil but I’m pretty sure this is how it starts and if it doesn’t, then I have some suggestions.

Dano looked so relieved the minute I lied for him—slightly ashamed, but mostly relieved. At first, we both sheepishly sustained the lie but then we got too into it. We fed it like Seymour fed Audrey II. Now he’s “in movies” and I’m a small business owner. Specifically, he directs indie movies and I own an online store. Some of that sound familiar?

So why did I pull the trigger? I’ve gotten to know Dano over this past year and, honestly, the kid’s got nothing going for him which is why I felt so compelled to keep the lie alive.

This is what I know so far about his life since he graduated high school:

  1. He dropped out of community college to tour with his now defunct band.
  2. Their car broke down in Arizona before they could complete their tour. At this point, they had been clashing too much and decided to disband. The rest of the band took the Greyhound back home to California while Dano stayed in Arizona to get a job and fix his car.
  3. He ended up staying in Arizona for the next five years, working as a handy man during the day and as a bartender at night. He occasionally appeared at open mics.
  4. He met a girl. He had a serious relationship with her that spanned most of his time in Arizona.
  5. Girl got pregnant. He found out the kid wasn’t his three months after she gave birth.
  6. Even though he was only a father for three months, when he told me the story I could tell it had been the best three months of his life. When he found out the baby wasn’t his, he was devastated but he promised to raise the baby as his own anyway.
  7. His girlfriend agreed to this arrangement, but after a few weeks, she decided to get together with the baby’s father and kick Dano out instead.
  8. He moved back to Southern California where he found work as a video store clerk at his uncle’s store.
  9. At work he met me, THEE most charming and agreeable customer. OK– my words, not his but he’s a quiet man and I don’t mind bestowing him with my gift for words.
  10. When the video store closed down, he lost his only source of income.
  11. He’s now actively looking for jobs and busking in public spaces to see if he can make money doing the one thing he likes.

SEE?! If I wasn’t going to throw him a bone, who would?!

Anyway, we both lied our asses off so well we managed to come off as “charming” and “quirky” instead of “dysfunctional” and “sad.” We won the Adult Hipsters Gang over with our lies and managed to get invited to a housewarming party along the way.

The worst stupid part: We agreed to go.

I feel very weird about this. We kept building on each other’s lies like professional improvisers. Reflecting on it now, it was like we were both in full character—just ready to jump at the opportunity of being somebody with a life—even if that somebody was 100% fictional.

Is that fucked up? If my best friend Tabby were here, she would’ve talked me out of it two busks ago.

Is this an IRL version of catfishing? I mean, no different from how people deceptively portray themselves on social media, right? We’re all liars. We just use different means.

“New Aunt Exploits Baby Nephew for the Financial Gain of Mere Acquaintance. Only Asks for Sandwich in Return, Proving Once and For All That She Truly Does Have Low Standards.”

In the time that has transpired since my last post I have been passed up for 4 jobs.

UGH. Why can’t I find a job that’ll treat me right and accept me for who I am already?! It’s been over a year since I graduated and I’m turning 23 soon.  I’m having a serious case of the “What-the-fuck-am-I-doing-with-my-life?-Who-am-I? Blues”.

Despite the resultant failure, I’m actually kind of proud of myself because I made it through to the second round of interviews for all 4 of these jobs. Unfortunately, I was “not experienced enough” for half of those jobs. As for the other half, they’ve both decided to go in “another direction at this time”.

Cool. Thanks for ignoring the first gander you took at my resume and expecting me to magically obtain years of experience in between the first and second round of interviews. Also thanks for wasting my time. Sure I’m unemployed and I have nothing better to do but you don’t know. You don’t know if, in my spare time, I’m a brilliant freelance scientist who’s on the brink of curing cancer!

As for you other two companies that didn’t like my personality enough to hire me because apparently you lack friends in real life and take advantage of your company’s hiring process accordingly: UP YOURS. YOU’RE NOT THAT GREAT EITHER.

And that is exactly the kind of maturity employers everywhere are missing out on.

In other, less depressing news, my kickass nephew “Baby Sam” was born. For those of you wondering, YES, he IS named after me and the fact that his mother’s father, Samuel, passed away exactly two years prior to the day of his birth had no bearing on this matter. As such, I am now an Aunt/ Baby Sitter in addition to being a part-time temp, a part-time Etsy store assistant and a full-time doesn’t-know-what-she’s-doing-with-her-life loser.

I like to take Baby Sam on strolls around the city and the other day I ran into my old video store clerk, Dano, during a stroll. He was busking and we wasted no time making excuses for ourselves with each other.

Me: “Its not my kid!”

Dano: “I swear I’m not homeless!”

Turns out Dano is quite the baby expert because when Baby Sam started crying and I didn’t know what to do, Dano wasted no time in lulling him to sleep.

Me: “You do that like a pro”

Dano: “My sisters have a lot of kids”

Me: “I see. So they do it like pros… Sorry.”

Dano: “No, it’s fine.  They say it takes a village, but nobody ever clarified to my sisters that they didn’t have to be the ones to make the village”

This kind of witty banter putting down the reproductive prowess of Dano’s sisters went on until an old couple walking by stopped and mistook us for a family.

“Your baby is precious,” the old woman told us, smiling as her husband stooped down to drop a crisp $50 in Dano’s guitar case.

Dano looked guilty and he seemed like he was about to say something but I—already in possession of a first-class, one way ticket to Hell—saw a business opportunity. Feeling generous with my newly minted nephew I quickly responded : “You should see the other one we have at home!”

This prompted the old lady to nudge her husband, who in turn placed another crisp $50 into Dano’s guitar case.

I know, I’m a lying asshole BUT Dano lost his job at the video rental store (The store closed down a few months ago. A video rental store going out of business during the Age of Netflix– whodathunk, right?) and those nice old geezers were probably going to waste their money on butterscotch candies that their grandkids only pretend to like, anyway.

I told Dano that I would visit him next week with Baby Sam and pretend to be his young family in an attempt to guilt people into giving him more money. Dano seemed hesitant at first but I insisted on it and I told him he could pay me back with movie posters and a fancy sandwich from the café across the park.

So glad I’m finally putting that Business Administration minor to good use. Does the return on investment feel small to you, too? Hey, I never said I aced my business classes.

I’ll admit, it feels incredibly creepy to be playing the baby momma of a person I hardly know and, also, a baby momma in general but the world is a stage and I have yet to snag any real roles. This can’t get any weirder, right? I’d hate to admit to you what I would pretend to be for my own personal chocolate bundt cake.

“Future Aunt Considers Blowing Future Nephew’s College Fund on Pizza. Concludes Financial Hardship will Decrease Likelihood of Nephew Growing up to be a Douchebag.”

In case anyone is keeping score, it’s been nearly 9 months since I graduated from college and I have yet to nab the elusive “full-time job”.

It’s the oldest story in the book: Girl meets Potential Job online. Girl puts herself out there and Potential Job expresses interest in getting to know her. Girl gets excited— she even practices answers to would-be questions in the mirror the night before their first IRL meeting. The day they’re set to meet, Girl gets all dolled up and the anticipation builds. Potential Job and Girl finally meet. They exchange pleasantries and get to know one another. Girl thinks it’s going well. Potential Job offers a promising future and seems to appreciate Girl’s willingness to do “anything.” Potential Job agrees to stay in touch. Girl feels butterflies in her stomach (She thinks this might be the one!).

A few days later, Girl finds out Potential Job just isn’t that into her. Potential Job had other people on rotation all along and Girl just didn’t make the cut. Girl nurses her wounds over beer or ice cream— and sometimes even beer ice cream.

So what has Girl been doing, assuming Girl is not a trust fund baby and has not been enlisting the aid of a sugar daddy? Certainly not developing an abominable habit of speaking about herself in third person!

I’ve been taking the odd temp job here and there and supplementing that source of income by helping my sister-in-law with her Etsy shop for a few extra bucks at the end of the day. She’s a bajillion months pregnant and so she can’t get around to running errands for her shop as easily as before. Her shop specializes in hand-crafted wedding details and I also help her make them.

Still, I feel weird taking money from my brother’s pregnant wife so I always save up half of what she gives me and I place it in an old pickle jar. I have every intention to give the pickle jar money back to my sister-in-law so that it can be used for the benefit of my unborn nephew but the jar’s already had a few run-ins with Drunk Me.

Drunk Me has tried to use that money many times to order pizza but, fortunately, always fails to unscrew the lid and just gives up altogether.

SI don’t foresee my brother and his wife asking me to sign on as the baby’s legal guardian should anything happen to them anytime soon.